EOS Integrator Process

How It Works: Your Guide to an EOS Integrator Service

Initial Contact

Begin your journey to operational excellence with a free initial consultation. Contact us through our website, book a 15-minute consultation directly, or reach out via our chat widget or phone number. Before your consultation, we offer an optional preliminary assessment to better understand your EOS needs and prepare for our session.

Consultation and Assessment

During our initial consultation, conducted via online meetings, we'll perform an EOS audit to evaluate your current implementation and operational framework. This stage focuses on understanding how your business operates and how the CEO envisions EOS contributing to success. We assess alignment with the EOS framework and identify areas for implementation or improvement.

Proposal and Agreement

Following our assessment, we'll draft a detailed work plan outlining the scope, timelines, deliverables, and pricing. This plan includes regular meetings, weekly Level 10 meetings, quarterly reviews, and ad-hoc meeting availability, ensuring comprehensive support and check-ins with staff. The service agreement is finalized upon signing a contract, marking the beginning of our partnership.

Onboarding Process

Post-agreement, the onboarding process begins with an initial meeting with the CEO, followed by sessions with individual lead team members and the leadership team. These steps ensure everyone is aligned and ready for the EOS journey. The initial consultation and intake process will identify specific documentation and information needs.


EOS Implementation Phases

The EOS implementation is structured around specific phases and milestones, designed for systematic integration and improvement. Each phase targets different aspects of your business, from leadership cohesion to process optimization, with timelines and expectations clearly outlined in our work plan.

Client Responsibilities

Success with EOS demands commitment. Clients are expected to adhere to the plan, allocate time for EOS execution, and engage actively in scheduled meetings and check-ins. This includes weekly Level 10 meetings, CEO meetings, and leadership team check-ins.

Ongoing Support and Evaluation

Our support continues beyond initial implementation, focusing on running the EOS process for continuous improvement. EOS's built-in accountability and evaluation mechanisms ensure progress is monitored, with a 90-day check-in to decide on continued collaboration.

Adjustments and Customizations

EOS is flexible to adjustments, with a built-in process for adapting the implementation plan. Additional services or customizations can be requested at any stage, ensuring the service evolves with your business needs.