Business Made Simple: Week 1

This week, our Business Accountability Group had its first meeting. It was fast, super quick, and rewarding. In 30 minutes, we accounted for the first week of daily tasks in the book, which were mostly reflections and mindset thoughts.

Two points really resonated with me:

  1. As value-driven professionals, we need to be economic-minded with our clients. This means we must excel at providing value and demonstrating value in excess of price.
  2. As value-driven professionals, we need to understand the need and value of feedback. Without feedback, we don’t know how to change, improve, or refine. Of course, we should be mindful of who we listen to, so having trusted advisors is a must.
  3. A journey with a purpose needs a “Why.”

Why I started this group

A few reasons.

  1. I read Business Made Simple, and I was already familiar with Donald Miller from the Storybrand book. He has some great practical advice.
  2. I’m not a dogged follower of self-help books, but I figured it worked for others; I’d give it a shot.
  3. Being a business owner, taking on a journey can be really lonely. Going on a path is always better when you are with others that are in the same boat.

As a business owner, with remote clients, sometimes the work can be really lonely. Sure, I have great clients, and I love speaking with them, but there is something about talking to others that are facing similar challenges, in a safe space. Literally a few hours later I was speaking with another Fractional Executive that was also sharing how remote work can feel so isolating.

What I am hoping for

As we all work through the various daily tasks, I’m hoping to refine my business offerings and improve what I’m doing, how I’m doing the work, and how I communicate efforts and results.

I’m also excited to see what the others come up with and the insights they have to share.

I’m also hoping to use this as a framework for other business owners who want to walk through a journey to getting their business made simple.

What is this Business Made Simple / Business Accountability Group?

You can read more about this here: